Supplying Specialised Welding Consumables, Thermal Spray & Hardfacing Consumables & AbrasaPlate Chrome Carbide Wear Plate
Featured Products
Welding Consumables
600 HB general purpose hardfacing MIG wire, with tungsten for superior wear resistance. Excellent for welding out of position.
40% tungsten carbide wire with a complex carbide iron-based matrix. Similar abrasion resistance to previous generation 60% tungsten carbide hardfacing wires
A high strength, low hydrogen electrode developed especially for the maintenance welding industry. AI-0150 is distinguished by easy weldability
Seamless metal cored fabrication wire, with double the welding speed of typical wires. No spatter, exceptional weldability. All-positional.
Our Values

Our people are our greatest asset, and their well-being is vital for the communities we serve.

Customer Centric
Our customers are central to our business, and we focus on performance to help them succeed.

We take pride in what we do. Our history and expertise assists us to ensure that our work is of the highest quality.

We support each other through teamwork, collaborating to meet our customers’ needs.

We do everything that we say we’re going to do and never compromise on doing what is right.

Welding Consumables
Contact us today to find out more
Head Office in Laverton North, VIC
Office in Welshpool, WA

Alloys International Pty Ltd
P: + 61 3 8368 2222