UTP Maintenance

High-quality industrial-use welding filler metals for maintenance, repair, and overlay welding.

High-quality industrial-use welding filler metals for maintenance, repair, and overlay welding. UTP Maintenance can look back on a proud history spanning 60 years as an innovative supplier of welding technology products. It is the global leader in the repair, maintenance, and overlay welding segment.

Alloys International started in 1982, with the exclusive distribution right for Soudokay, a Belgian hardfacing consumables manufacturer. Soudokay is now a critical part of the voestalpine Böhler Welding, sold through the UTP brand.

Whatever the repair or maintenance welding requirement, UTP and Alloys International have the expertise.


Consumables for:

  • Repair

  • Hardfacing

  • Cladding

  • Thermal Spray

  • PTA Welding

Productos UTP

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