Oct 2024
The Australian Mining Review
Alloys International was recently highlighted in the October edition of the Australian Mining Review. The article offers valuable insights into AbrasaPlate, exploring its many uses and benefits in detail.
Read the full article here – Australian Mining Review – Oct 2024

Sep 2023
Alloys International Sponsors The 2023 CMPA Annual Dinner at the MCG
Alloys International Australasia was very proud to sponsor the CMPA annual dinner at the MCG. This shot of our logo on the big screen at the MCG is one we just had to share!
Nov 2022
40th Anniversary Alloys International
It has been an exciting weekend for everyone at Alloys International and Avweld as we celebrated the 40th Anniversary of the founding of Alloys International.
On Saturday evening the celebrations encompassed a group of over 100 staff, family and friends for a cocktail party held at Oakwood Premier Hotel in Southbank. A great night of great food, fine wine, live music and entertainment with a photo booth, magician and charicaturist. Lucky door prizes including a 55″ Sony Bravia TV were gifted to 5 lucky winners.
As a special part of the evening we had a raffle for another 55″ Sony Bravia TV with the proceeds ($5,000) proudly going to the Royal Children’s Hospital to support the wonderful work they do there. This TV was generously donated by Alloys Computers, the company owned by my ex-partner and co-founder of Alloys International over 40 years ago.

Nov 2022
Alloys International & Avweld Sales, Marketing & Management Team
Mary Kampen (Human Resources & Safety System Manager), Phillip Bond (Managing Director) & Shiva Teunisse (Marketing Manager)
David Stewart (QLD Sales), Jason Bond (Business Development Manager), Eddy Sperber (General Manager), Michael Guz (NSW Sales), Dan McEldrew ( QLD, WA, NT & TAS Sales), Lance Waller (WA Sales), David Camilleri (VIC, SA & TAS Sales) & Neelesh Narayan (Group Financial Controller)

Jun 2022
Celebrating 40 Years of Service to Australian Industry
It only seems like yesterday that Mike Guttmann (my business partner at the time) and I sat in the loungeroom of his home on the first day of our new venture. That was our office for the first six months of the business because we couldn’t afford to spend money on rent. We drove all up and down the east coast together to save money on airfares. And yet we made progress, developed customers and the business and even made some money.
Over those 40 years the market, the technology and the products have changed enormously. But the philosophy on which we built the business remains the cornerstone of Alloys International (and Avweld!) today; Integrity, honesty, hard work, technical knowledge and customer service.
However, no business (and we are no exception) can be successful without the help and support of a wide range of people: its employees, customers and suppliers. Firstly, I have to sincerely thank our wonderful team in both Alloys and Avweld (past and present). Without the dedication, hard work, loyalty and support of our employees and their families, we would not be here.
Sincere appreciation also to our loyal and often long-standing customers and suppliers. Their support has allowed the business to grow and prosper over that whole 40 years to the position in which we find ourselves today!
I do not think that any business always finds things easy, and we are no exception, having had periods in our business life when it has been extremely tough. However, we continued to adapt and improve and I think most importantly we persevered and never gave up.
So the fact that after 40 years we are still here is an indication that we must have done something right along the way!
Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the support of my family, especially my wife Jenny. Through thick and thin she has been there to help me navigate the challenges and I could not have done it without her.
Once again my sincere thanks to all those who have contributed to our success. I look forward to seeing what the next 40 years will bring to us all.
Phil Bond

Dec 2020
Congratulations on your retirement
Our beloved co-worker of 35 years George Abraham is starting a new chapter in his life. No one is more deserving of a long and happy retirement filled with relaxation and enjoyment.
George has always been a hard worker and a terrific friend who always made every customer and co-worker a priority. He built a special bond with everyone he met by being keenly interested in their wellbeing and needs.
George, known for his infectious smile and joyful spirit, is the ‘guy’ who never has a bad word to say about anyone, is eternally positive and proactively goes about ‘doing the right thing’ by everyone.
We wish you the all the best and thank you for your many years of dedication, enthusiasm, team spirit and friendship.
Top Image – George Abraham, Phillip Bond & Jenny Bond
Middle Image – David Camilleri, George Abraham & Jason Dwyer
Bottom Image – Rex Fabian, George Abraham & Jhun Perez

August 2020
To all our Customers & Suppliers
As parts of Victoria has entered Stage 4 Restrictions, we wish to give you an update and wish you all well during these times.
As most of you will be aware, Alloys International provides products and services to our customers who are allowed to operate under Stage 4 Restrictions currently in place. Our customers operate in industries such as:
- Power & Utilities (Coal, Hydro, Wind, Water, Sewerage)
- Mining & Mineral Processing (Coal, Iron Ore, Aluminium, Quarries)
- Manufacturing (such as Food, Grain, Pulp & Paper, Glass, Plastics, Steel, Cement)
What does this mean for you?
- Alloys International will remain open and at full capacity to ensure all our customers receive continuous attention.
- Production is largely unaffected as we are taking all the necessary health precautions.
- Any delays will be as a result of restrictions placed on delivery in and out of Victoria and we ask for your patience during this time.
- All visitors and contractors are required to complete a COVID health checklist prior to entry to the facilities at 25 Raymond Road, Laverton North. Social distancing, appropriate cleaning & sanitisation are being maintained at all times on site.
- Our hours and contact details remain the same and all information can be found on our website
Thank you for your ongoing support. Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you require any clarification to the above.
We look forward to working together to ensure a safe working environment for all.
Best Regards,
Phillip Bond
Managing Director

July 2020
Farewell to Lloyd Ingram
On the 31st of July, we said farewell to our Melbourne warehouse manager Lloyd Ingram. Lloyd started working with Alloys International in 1986, and has been responsible for shipping out most of your orders since then. Lloyd is retiring after almost 35 years in the business, looking forward to spending more time with his family and playing more golf. All of Alloys International thanks Lloyd for his service.

July 2020
Covid-19 Update
Alloys International would like to take this opportunity once again to give you an update on our operating situation with regards to the COVID-19 epidemic.
As COVID-19 is continuing to disrupt the economy throughout Australia and particularly Victoria, Alloys International is taking all precautions necessary to enable continued operations through this challenging time.
We are improving and expanding our facilities and ensuring all products go out on time. Although our supply chains are largely uninterrupted, there might be some extended delivers on products from Europe and the US.
All visitors and contractors are required to complete a COVID health checklist prior to entry to the facilities. Social distancing, appropriate cleaning & sanitisation are being maintained at all times on site.
Our Sales Engineers and staff are contactable by email or phone as usual, although most are working from home wherever possible. All meetings are being held via phone/video where possible.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and please keep your family and friends safe.
Best Regards,
Phillip Bond
Managing Director

March 2020
Update from Alloys International
Alloys International would like to take this opportunity to give you an update on our operating situation with regards to the COVID-19 epidemic.
Our primary concern is the health and safety of all staff, customers, suppliers and their families. In constantly changing conditions, we continue to strive to meet our customers’ needs and delivery timeframes, in a safe and controlled manner. We are continually monitoring the advice of the State and Federal Governments, and the WHO.
Currently we are operating at full capacity. Our Melbourne, Perth and Mackay warehouses are available to dispatch stock as usual. Where possible, admin staff are working from home. All travel has been suspended unless absolutely required. Our sales engineers are available for local site visits, or consultation remotely. Our Queensland Sales Engineer Rob Cotter will be undergoing 14 days of isolation after returning from New Zealand, and available only by phone until the 3rd of April.
Our supply chains are currently uninterrupted, with all key products available as normal. Please be aware that due to the dramatic decrease in the Australian Dollar this year (~15% since January), we will have no choice but to pass along price rises on incoming goods. Please contact your sales representative with any questions.
Please Note: Our warehouses are operating on a reduced contact basis. There will be no admission without appointment, as we encourage people to contact us by phone where possible. Stock pickups will be possible whilst maintaining the 1.5m spacing recommended by the WHO.
We will keep you informed as the situation develops. Until then, please keep yourselves and your families and friends healthy and safe.
Phil Bond
Managing Director
